Devotional – August 23, 2020
For many today, there is real confusion and anxiety about what is true and whom to follow. Politics is described by one as a combination of two words. “Poly” – a many sided figure and “tick” – a blood sucking insect. Some information we receive is human error, but it seems the vast majority are blatant lies. The Bible states that “if the blind lead the blind, they both shall fall into a ditch”. Jesus said in Matthew 4:19 and 16:24, “Follow me”. But following God is not always the easy road and herein lies the problem. Many would choose to be comforted rather than to be a comforter. Nothing keeps people from following God like comfort does. Proverbs 20:4, “The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold;…” There is certainly a spiritual application to this text. A.B. Simpson wrote, “If we would be enlarged, we must accept all that God sends us to develop and expand our spiritual life. We are so content to abide at the old level that God often has to compel us to rise higher by bringing us face to face with situations that we cannot meet without much greater measures of His grace. It is as though He had to send a tidal wave to flood the lowlands where we dwell to compel us to move into the hills beyond. God, like the mother bird, sometimes has to break up the comfortable, downy nest, letting us drop into empty space. There we must either learn to use an entirely new and higher method of support or sink into failure and loss. We must do or die, fly or fall to our destruction.”
Joseph was sent into Egypt…to save much people alive because no one else in Egypt would care for the Jews. Paul was sent to prison in Phillippi…because no one else in jail would care for the prisoners. Esther was sent before the king at the risk of her life…because no one else could plead for their deliverance. We know there are many, even those very close to us, who would persuade or hinder us from following the Lord. When I was ordained to the ministry in 1980, one of the songs that we sang was “I have decided to follow Jesus”.
I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus,
I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back.
The cross before me, the world behind me…
Though no one join me, still I will follow…
When Napoleon was engaged in the great and momentous battle of Waterloo, among those taken prisoner was a Highland piper. Napoleon, impressed by the man’s strange mountain garb and determined air, struck up a conversation with the captured but unvanquished foe. Seeing that he had his instrument with him, Napoleon asked him to play a tune. The highlander obliged. “Now play a march,” said Napoleon. Once again, the Scotchman did as he was told. Finally the Emperor said, “Play a retreat.” “Nay, nay,” said the highlander, that I cannot do. I never learned to play one.”
I have decided to follow Jesus; no turning back, no turning back!